Saturday, 3 November 2012

MCM Expo October 2012

Aheh... so much for that birhday update. I really don't feel like doing it. Maybe I will eventually.

Anyways, onto Expo. Me, my friend Ben and his gf Hannah all went as maids. Kitty maids.

This is me at 5AM on the day. Hahaa

I think one of my eyes is closed. Haha
We all love the skull guy to the right of Hannah.

The staff at tofucute were adorbs.

Kimonotime :D


Met up with friends and new people too!

Ugh, one day I will grab me an Arpakasso. ;_; <3
I always managed to look displeased. I was concentrating on trying not to gobble down the food.
It was so freaking sickly sweet but lovely.

Onto other stuff I bought

I think I bought like 9 dorayaki throughout the day...

This is everything save some sweets and dorayaki.

The artist behind Scandinavia and The World was there and she signed my postcard.

I love a combo of chocolate and pale pink.

This was from JPU records I think? I'm sure it's connected to Japan Underground. I am not fully sure. The girl that sold me it was gorgeous holy shit.

This was stupid expensice but aaaa so cute. From Tofucute

Everything except edibles from Tofucute also.

Cute packaging.

It tasted alright. It's pretty much airy chocolate in a in an ice-cream wafer cone type thing. When I say airy, I mean it was sorta similiar to Flake. Or Aero. Like a micture of the two.

                                  Onto birthday/Christmas presents I got from my friends!

Counterfeit Gloomy glove that's really nice to sleep with actually. Little My, Moomin Troll. Absolutely adorable Rilakkuma keyholders and Sentimental Circus and Rilakkuma stickers. Raffaello chocolates were amazing. Spoilt rotten.

I freaking love this top <3 <3

I didn't realise these were hair ties until my friend told me. :D They are so cute.

And that's that for the expo.

A bit of fantastic news is that I got an interview at Claire's yesterday and got the job. I can't believe it. I am so happy.

I got to town about an hour early and just sat at Costa having a beef burrito and a gingerbread latte, prepping myself.

Very delicious by the way. Costa is quickly becoming one of my favourite places. Mainly because a second Costa has recently opened in town and it's so cozy in there.

But yeah. AERhd I have a job at Claire's Accessories. ; v ;


I pretty much wore all black for it including the shirt my friend, Jen got me.

And here are some pictures from the past 2 months.

I got these tongue tattoo things at some point. They're random cute designs on edible paper and you just stick them on your tongue. This one is meant to be a bear but it looks more like a three-eyed alien bear.

Yoru always manages to look mega stoned.